Hiking Mont Tremblant, Quebec

Welcome to my first day of freedom!  For those of you who either don’t know me, or haven’t read my “About Me” section on our site, I am currently pursuing my Master Degree in English and as of 7:00 last night I am officially FINISHED my first semester!  I wanted to throw open the window shutters like Scrooge this morning (Forgive me, I was taking a Dickens class) and I’m just basking in this freedom and irrepressible excitement.  That being said, I wanted to blog again since I’ve been neglectful in that department for a while. Continue reading

The Best Mashed Sweet Potatoes

Hello Little Red Kitchen world!  It has certainly been a while.  What can I say?  Holidays.  Finals.  Finals.  and MORE FINALS.  Life has been something very different these past several weeks.  But it’s starting to straighten itself out!  And what better way to celebrate than posting what is most likely the best sweet potato recipe you will ever eat???? Continue reading

Dark Chocolate Thumbprint Cookies

When I was growing up, my great-Uncle Jack would always bring the most amazing chocolate thumbprint cookies to holiday celebrations. I’d always sneak a peek in the box right away, and eat as many as I could get away with… before and after dinner. Since Uncle Jack’s passing, years ago, I hadn’t had a chocolate thumbprint. I love the way they taste, sure, but they were such a staple during celebrations for me that I needed to bring them back.

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Foodie Gifts for the 2013 Holiday Season

Hi all!

Well, it’s that time of year again.  My FAVORITE time of year!  I love everything about the Winter holiday season–Thanksgiving, cold weather, hot tea, snuggling up under fuzzy blankets, cheesy Christmas specials on tv, cooking up big pots of hearty soups and stews, and most importantly an abundance of time with my loved ones.  And yes, I love presents.

It is a strange tradition, to show people you love them by buying them things, but I take it as an opportunity to show people not only that I love them but that I KNOW them!  I actually take a long time to think and plan and purchase for each person on my shopping list.  It’s important to me to pick things out that I know they will like, but that they might not necessarily pick out for themselves or treat themselves to, or even know about.  I like to be creative, have fun, and be thoughtful, and while it might be partly selfish, I love seeing that look on their faces when they unwrap their goodies.

All of that being said, my list of holiday gifts centers on food-related stuff.  I am almost willing to bet that all of us know somebody that is handy in the kitchen; either somebody who loves to cook, loves to bake, loves to entertain, loves to own pretty serving ware and keep their kitchen looking like something out of a catalog, or loves to EAT!  I think I have something on my list for all of them, so I hope this helps! Continue reading

Gift Ideas for the 2013 Holiday Season

Apologies for the lack of posts last week– we hope you all had wonderful Thanksgiving celebrations! I have a whole mess of recipes I’d like to share from our week with family, but for now, let’s talk presents.  Continue reading